合 作 意 向 书
发布时间:2011-12-27   点击:   来源:   录入者:
常州市田家炳实验中学与瑞典Ross Tensta高中
经常州市人民政府外事办公室和常州市教育局介绍,来自瑞典Ross Tensta高级中学的Mårten Hagman老师和Charlotta HJELM老师带领8位学生于318日应邀访问常州田家炳实验中学。访问期间,瑞典学校的师生参观了学校,走进课堂体验中国的课堂教学,并与老师、学生进行友好的交流。
本着平等互利的原则,经过友好的协商,兹经双方同意,瑞典Ross Tensta高级中学进一步加强与常州田家炳实验中学合作,而常州田家炳实验中学也同意增强与瑞典Ross Tensta高级中学交流。双方有意向结成友好学校,以利于今后的进一步交往。
甲方:常州市田家炳实验中学     乙方:瑞典Ross Tensta高中
学校代表签字:___________      学校代表签字:___________
日期:                                          日期:
A Letter of Intent between Changzhou TianJiaBing Experimental Middle School and Ross Tensta Gymnasium
Introduced by Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government and Changzhou Municipal Education Bureau, two team leaders, Mr. Mårten Hagman and Mrs. Charlotta HJELM, together with eight students from Ross Tensta Gymnasium come to visit Changzhou TianJiaBing Experimental Middle School on 18th March as planned. During the visit, they look around our school and step into our classroom observing a lesson. Besides, they also exchange ideas with our teachers and students.
After friendly consultations based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit, this letter of intent is made by and between Ross Tensta Gymnasium and Changzhou TianJiaBing Experimental Middle School; whereby Ross Tensta Gymnasium agrees to further cooperate with Changzhou TianJiaBing Experimental Middle School and Changzhou TianJiaBing Experimental Middle School also agrees to strengthen the communication with Ross Tensta Gymnasium. In a word, both of them are intended to establish friendship between each other for further communication.
This letter of intent is in duplicate, one copy for each party.  
Changzhou TianJiaBing                      Ross Tensta Gymnasium
Experimental Middle School 
SIGNED by____________                 SIGNED by: ___________
Date:                                                              Date: